ADDCP is the premiere trade association for Family, Infant, Toddler (FIT) and Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) services in New Mexico. State, County and City governing and regulatory entities seek and value the input of ADDCP in developing legislation and regulation in support of the children, adults and families receiving FIT and IDD services.

ADDCP’s Executive Director, Jim Copeland began working with people with intellectual and developmental disabilities in 1975.  He has experience in roles as direct support, supervision and management of provider agencies.  He has extensive experience working with a variety of state programs nationwide.  Jim has lived and worked in New Mexico for over twenty years and has experience working with Early Intervention, DDWaiver and ICF/IDD services.  He has served in leadership roles in both the Interagency Coordinating Council (ICC) for Early Intervention Services and the Advisory Council on Quality (ACQ) for DD services.  He has served as the Director of the Developmental Disabilities Supports Division (DDSD) at the New Mexico Department of Health.  Jim also has a close personal connection to services through his late brother-in-law who received supports from DD Waiver services in New Mexico.

To contact Jim directly please email him at addcpjim@gmail.com.